Cash Handling : a pillar of a Central Bank

After 10 years in a private bank I choose to join the Banque de France in 2014.

I joined the branch “management of fiduciary activities” and in particular “Technical expertise and maintenance” department, we were in charge of analyzing the quality of banknotes circulation in France and at European level with reports to the ECB, the validation of manufacturer equipment. and during the release of the new euros, our service managed the updating of the entire fleet of machines and relations with manufacturers (Toshiba, Gieseke and Glory).

I am also a trainer in banknotes authentication for administrations and external companies (museum, customs, gendarmerie, shops, new BDF agents, etc.).​

The situation and the problems of the fiduciary sector quickly challenged me and to answer my colleagues I approached FO who has always been close and attentive to agents. I found the answers to many questions there, so I was able to respond to the requests or concerns of the agents who elected me in 2019 to represent them. I am a Member of the union’s executive board and representative of the headquarters, I finally joined the full-time team since September 2020, I met Adrian from the Bank of Romania at our 2019 congress and discovered at this occasion the scope of the work of SCECBU and I am honored to be part of the team.

Managing cash handling is historically one of the main pillars of a central bank, the other being the production of banknotes.

In recent years, this activity has certainly been the most restructured of all the missions of a central bank. The Banknotes Social dialogue organised twice a year at Frankfurt is important to understand the future of this activity.

Our working group shares all the information between fellow banknote experts in order to envisage the future of this mission in good working conditions.



The working group works on a survey in order to update all informations concerning the evolution of cash handling. It helps also to prepare the Banknotes social Dialogue