Fernando Garces


I was elected for the first time in 2007, as Elected Member. In 2004 I joined Technical and Manual Functions Working Group as cash expert and after some time I have been nominated as Coordinator of the Cashier Working Group. In 2010 l was elected for the first time as Vice-President, having renewed my mandate in 2015.

I started working at Banco de España in 1995 in Barcelona branch in the cash department. These beginnings gave me a wide vision about branch´s role in National Central Banks. In 2010 I moved to Madrid till nowadays.

From 2005 on I have participated in international meetings on behalf my trade union, SATBE. I have participated in many international meetings from then on, especially in the framework of ESCB Social Dialogue meetings.

– At Banco de España since 1995
– Member of the Executive Board of SAT-BE
– Elected member of SCECBU 2007-2010
– Vice-President of SCECBU (2010-2015, 2015-2022, 2022-2027)