Jurga Kamienė


I started working at the Bank of Lithuania in 2012 as an economist in the Supervision department and recently moved to the Resolution department.

In 2017 I was elected to the Labour Council of the Bank of Lithuania where in 2018 we established the Bank of Lithuania Employees Trade Union, that has the right to negotiate a collective agreement and to be consulted on working conditions.

I have been participating in the SCECBU activity since 2018, being involved in Working Groups on Social Benefits and Diversity, conducting surveys and presenting conclusions in the ESCB Social Dialogue meetings. I am the Co-ordinator of the Diversity working goup since 2022.

I believe that we can discuss important topics and share useful information that could improve working conditions in our national central banks. And my aim is that the good practices identified would be implemented more effectively in every central bank.

At the Bank of Lithuania since 2012

Elected to the Labour Council of the Bank of Lithuania in 2017

Elected to the Committee of the Bank of Lithuania Employees Trade Union in 2018

Elected to the Executive Bureau of the SCECBU in 2022

– At LBS Lietuvos Bankas since 2012
– Since 2017 I member of the Labour Council of the Bank of Lithuania
– LBS Lietuvos bankas
– Elected member of SCECBU 2022-2027