Laurent Jadoul


I started my career at the National Bank of Belgium as an IT developer in 2011.

In 2016 I was elected in the Health and Safety Committee. During this first mandate, supported by the whole union team, I learned to defend and negotiate to ensure physical and psychological safety for the Bank’s workers.

In 2020 I became vice-president of the SETCa-BBTK at the NBB in addition to obtaining a mandate on the Works Council.

2017 was my first contact with SCECBU during the Executive Committee in Jurmala. During this committee I offered my help to participate in the organisation of the YUS seminar and to join the Communication working group.

I also joined the Diversity working group in 2020. Working with my European colleagues in these working groups, I realised how much we all have the same goal to defend workers.

Since 2024, I am the Co-ordinator of the YUS working group.

The European Central Bank is increasingly influencing our central banks in our daily work. This influence has unfortunately the effect of making us believe that we are all identical and formattable.

However, my participation in the SCECBU working groups made me realize that even if we defend a common goal, we think and act according to our cultural traditions.

This has been for me an inspiring and enriching source of exchange between us in order to find innovative proposals and I will be committed to defend a vision of shared corporate cultures in the coming years.

– At National Bank of Belgium since 2011
– Member of the Health and Safety Committee of NBB since 2016
– Elected vice-president of BBTKa-SETCA in 2020
– Elected member of SCECBU 2022-2027