Pól Ó Fórtúin


I started working in the Central Bank of Ireland in 2001. I am a member of Unite the Union and was elected to the Central Bank of Ireland Union Committee in 2004. The Union Committee negotiates on behalf of all Clerical and Administration staff in the bank. Our committee members work on a voluntary basis so our union activity is in addition to our daily work.

I was elected to the Executive Bureau of SCECBU in 2018. Since joining the Executive Bureau I have been involved with both the IT and Social Benefits working groups. As English is my first language, I assist the Executive Bureau and most of the Working Groups of the SCECBU with the development of documents and letters.

– Joined the Central Bank of Ireland in 2001
– Elected to Union Committee in 2004
– Elected to Executive Bureau of SCECBU 2018-2022
– Secretary 2022-2027