
Diversity… a necessary task to develop everywhere at ESCB level !

Countdown is finished!

The countdown will be updated as soon as the new date is decided

Diversity is a topical subject and rightfully so, because experience has shown that companies that nurture a culture of diversity and inclusion are more productive and innovative and offer better perspectives for personal and professional growth to their staff members in a more motivating work atmosphere.

Many aspects of diversity exist: gender, sexual orientation, age, disability, education, professional background, nationality, ethnical and cultural background, religion, etc.
However, diversity in itself can only be fruitful for both employer and employee if it is embedded in an open minded culture of inclusion.

Without prejudice to other aspects of diversity, gender balance needs special attention in our central banks, in our trade unions and in our organisation. Women represent more than half of this planet’s population.

They are neither less intelligent nor less competent than men, but this is still “a men’s professional world”.
The reasons and causes of this status are multiple and complicated, but this should not be an excuse for not tackling them!

Working Group Files