YUS* 2022 Challenge has finally happened and brought many reflections and ideas for the future of Trade unionism inside central banks

After the mandate received by the EC, and after the end of the Covid-19 pandemic, the Communication WG finally sponsored a Seminar for Young Trade Unionists with focus on ESCB trade union youth which aimed to collect best practices from all over EU Member States on how to mobilize and organize young workers.

YUS 2022 Challenge gave SCECBU members the opportunity to attend the seminar, hjaving brought together young central bank employees that debated the future of trade unionism.

This seminar took place on Spring 2022 in Cyprus, co-organised with ETYK and our friend Prodromos CHARAMBOULOS. Each TU denominated 1 young member and 1 senior member to participate in this seminar.

SCECBU’s Future Communication

The findings of this important Seminar were presented during the Congress by Elizabeth Barreiros, the coordinator of the Communication WG at the time and Jonathan Socha, Buba’s staff representative.

After the Congress, and on the 1st meeting of the Executive Bureau, Laurent Jadoul was nominated the new Coordinator of the Communication WG.

We wish all the best to Laurent in his new function.

Working Group Files